

RF Acoustic Wave Filters Patent Monitor

出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス | 発行: KnowMade | ページ情報: 英文

価格表記: EURを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1EUR=168.55円
出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス
発行: KnowMade
ページ情報: 英文
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次


現在、全世界の1人にほぼ1台の割合で携帯電話や携帯端末が存在しており、移動体通信市場は急速に拡大する帯域幅とデータレートの需要に対応するために、無線通信事業者は自らを適応させる必要があります。市場では4Gが登場したばかりですが、通信事業者はすでに 5Gに目を向けています。5Gの開発には多くの課題がありますが、そのひとつが、RFフロントエンドモジュール(RF FEM)と関連部品の開発による端末レベルでの新たな高周波数帯の管理です。これらのRFコンポーネントの中でも、フィルターは最も成長率の高い市場であり、新たなアンテナへのニーズとマルチキャリアアグリゲーションの開発により、RFフィルター市場は今後も成長を続けるでしょう。

5G分野では、RF FEMの知的財産(IP)に関わる企業は、市場での地位と技術を確立するために、激しい競争に突入しています。主要IP企業間の競争、中国企業の台頭、ミリ波に対応する新規参入企業の登場などにより、変化を予測し、ビジネスチャンスを早期に察知し、新たな研究分野を特定し、競合他社の戦略を理解するためには、非常に複雑で競争的な状況を理解することが不可欠となっています。



















  • 新たな特許出願
  • 新たに付与された特許
  • 期限切れまたは放棄された特許
  • 知的財産権の譲渡(再譲渡、ライセンス)
  • 特許訴訟と異議申立
  • 技術別に分類された特許情報:BAW-FBAR, BAW-SMR, SAW, TCSAWなど


  • 四半期ごとの実績と数字
  • IP企業と技術


  • 知財アナリストとの質疑応答と討論
  • 企業や技術に関する特許調査の依頼

How the wireless communication players are getting ready for the 5G?

With almost one mobile or cellular handset for every person on earth, mobile telecommunication market needs to adapt itself in order to face the fast-growing demand of bandwidth and data rate. 4G just came out but telecommunication players are already looking at the 5G revolution. Numerous challenges come with 5G development, and one of them is the management of new and high frequency bands at the handset level thanks to the development of RF front-end modules (RF FEM) and related components. Among these RF components, filters have the highest growing market, and thanks to the additional need of new antennas and development of multiple carrier aggregation, the RF filter market will continue to grow.

At the down of the 5G, players involved in RF FEM intellectual property (IP) have entered a fierce race in order to assert their market position and technologies. The race between main IP players, the rise of Chinese players and arrival of newcomers that address mm-waves range have led to a very complex and competitive landscape that is essential to understand in order to anticipate changes, early detect business opportunities, identify emerging research areas and understand competitors' strategies.

The RF acoustic filters patent monitoring service allows you to take advantage of a monthly-updated Excel file and benefit from both quarterly analysis reports and direct interaction with our analysts. The monthly Excel files include new patents, patents expired/abandoned, patent transfers (re-assignment, licensing) and patent litigation/opposition. The patents are categorized by technology segments including Bulk acoustic wave filters (FBAR and SMR), surface acoustic wave filters and temperature compensated filters. This useful Excel patent database allows for multi-criteria searches including priority date, patent assignees, claims, legal status of patents and technology segments. The quarterly reports provide the IP trends over the three last months, with a close look to key IP players and key patented technologies. The direct access to our analysts offers you Q&A session and open discussion on specific patented technologies or company IP portfolios.

Benefits of the patent monitoring service

Keep a watch on your competitors' IP activities and their future intentions.

With the help of the patent monitoring service, you will be aware of your competitors' current patenting activities, their IP dynamics, patent transfers including acquisitions and licenses, patent litigation, technology development and R&D strategies. You will also be able to early detect new entrants in your business area.

Keep track of the latest technology developments and be ahead of technology trends.

By keeping note of any recent patent filings, you can track the newest innovations in the field. You will get details on claimed inventions and you can follow technology developments. New technical solutions could inspire and improve your R&D activity.

Prevent registration of IP rights that may be harmful to your business.

You will obtain information on patent applications filed even before exclusive rights have been granted and you can react in time to prevent registration of IP rights that may be harmful to your business.

React in time to infringements and mitigate legal risks.

Monitoring newly-issued patents allows you to regularly assess your freedom-to-operate, ensuring your products or processes are not covered patents and thus they can be manufactured, sold or used safely without infringing valid IP rights owned by others.

Take advantage of free technologies and decrease R&D project risks.

By tracking both expired patents and abandoned patents, you will be able to identify inventions entering the public domain that you can use safely for your development.

Understand the current IP trends and IP strategy of competitors

On a quarterly basis, the report will provide the IP trends over the three last months, with a close look to key IP players and key patented technologies. Main patent applicants and their inventions, blocking patents, promising patents and key patents newly expired or abandoned will be highlighted.

Access to the IP analyst

Take advantage of direct interaction with our analysts by phone call and/or email and get specific input for specific patented technologies and company IP portfolios through Q&A session and open discussion (100h a year).

Key features of the service

Every month an Excel file including:

  • New patents applications.
  • Patent newly granted.
  • Patents expired or abandoned.
  • Transfer of IP rights (re-assignment, licensing)
  • Patent litigation and opposition.
  • Patents categorized by technology: BAW-FBAR, BAW-SMR, SAW, TCSAW, etc.

Every quarter a report including:

  • Key fact & figures of the quarter.
  • IP players and technologies.

Access to IP analyst for 100h a year:

  • Q&A session and open discussion with our IP analysts
  • Requesting for patent search on company or technology.