

WaterData: The Ultimate Strategy and Navigation Tool for the Global Water Market

出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス | 発行: Global Water Intelligence | ページ情報: 英文

詳細については [お見積] ボタンよりお問い合わせ下さい。
出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス
発行: Global Water Intelligence
ページ情報: 英文
GWIが保有する世界の水事業におけるプロジェクトデータや市場データを適時最新データに更新してお届けする年間契約型データベースサービスです。一括で膨大なデータをダウンロードでき、これまでリリースされたレポートの内容も網羅したコンテンツです。Global Water Market 2017のレポートと比較してもカスタマイズしやすく、100か国以上、500社以上のデータが適時更新されます。
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次


GWI WaterDataは、GWIのマーケット・インテリジェンス・プラットフォームです。












  • アプリケーション
  • 化学物質
  • ユーティリティ設備投資とオペックス
  • テクノロジー
  • デジタル
  • 産業用設備投資と運転資金


  • 60+スナップショットプロファイル
  • 37の詳細プロファイル


  • 企業の決算情報
  • 関連するサードパーティの産業データ
  • リソース - サードパーティデータセット









03.GWI WaterData、水分野の主要の情報ソース

GWIの市場予測や独自のデータベース、定期的なアナリストのコメント、サードパーティのデータセットへの直接アクセスを提供することで、GWI WaterDataは戦略的調査や意思決定を支援します。




  • 産業別の市場プレイヤー
  • 国別の国内・海外プレーヤー
  • 3,000以上のPSPプロジェクト
  • 1,700社以上の企業プロファイル
  • 水インフラへのサードパーティエクイティ投資家上位100
  • プロジェクト開発者トップ50
  • 技術別マーケットマップ
  • 民間水事業者トップ50


  • 1,100以上の技術企業プロファイル
  • 技術タイプ別 新興・既存技術
  • 技術動向と市場スポットライト


  • スマートウォーター市場におけるマーケットプレーヤーとパートナーシップ
  • 技術投資データ
  • 6,500件以上のM&A実績
  • 企業ダッシュボード


GWI WaterDataは、技術動向に関するアナリストの見解、主要技術市場のスポットライト特集、技術別支出額の詳細内訳を定期的に提供します。水分野の新たな懸念事項や技術ニーズの把握、特許出願動向の監視、新しい処理技術の開発状況の追跡により、水ビジネスのイノベーションの最前線に立つことができます。


毎週更新されるPatent Trackerは、1800件以上の特許出願の詳細を含むフィルタリング可能なデータベースで、ウェブ上に散在する未整理の特許データを探し出す必要がありません。


GWI WaterDataの企業ダッシュボードには、企業カレンダー、M&Aトラッカー、新規および更新された企業プロファイルが表示され、競合よりも早く重要な市場情報にアクセスすることができます。







  • 500以上の上下水道料金表
  • 60,000以上の上下水道処理施設
  • 6,600以上の上下水道事業者のプロファイル


  • 現地パートナー(エンジニア、EPCコントラクター、オペレーター)のプロファイルを掲載しています。
  • 技術系企業のプロファイル


  • 35カ国以上のセクター構造および規制の概要
  • 各市場における調達モデルの分析
  • 40カ国以上の水質、廃水および汚泥排出規制








  • 40カ国以上の水質、廃水、汚泥排出規制
  • 各市場における調達モデルの分析
  • 35カ国以上のセクター構造および規制の概要


GWI WaterDataのテクノロジーカバレッジは、世界の水テクノロジー市場を最も包括的にカバーすることで、テクノロジーセクターを把握することを可能にします。このプラットフォームは、6つの主要技術分野、27の技術サブカテゴリをカバーし、88の製品タイプ予測を備えています。また、企業データベースでは200以上の技術カテゴリーをフィルタリングすることができ、包括的な分析、予測、企業データ、市場機会、ダイナミクス、アクセス戦略の内訳を確認できる究極の技術情報源となっています。


GWI WaterDataは、サービスとしての市場調査です。当社のカスタマーサクセスとアナリストチームがお客様の質問にお答えし、お客様のユーザーエクスペリエンスをできるだけ摩擦のない効果的なものにするために待機しています。


加入者は、「Ask an analyst」ツールを使って、社内の45人の水業界専門家チームとつながり、すべての問い合わせに対して48時間以内に詳細な回答を得ることができます。






The most comprehensive and intuitive market intelligence platform for the global water sector

GWI WaterData is GWI's market intelligence platform.

Offering the richest, most accurate and most timely information service for validating strategy in the international water market.

The platform has already become the backbone of strategy planning for water sector professionals and executives, who rely on it for 3 key business functions:

Market metrics

Analyse the current size & growth rate of your market

Market dynamics

Assess the competitive & technological landscape of your market

Market access

Identify potential customers, partners and routes to opportunity

Market Metrics

Analyse the current size & growth rate of your market

01. Forecasts

  • Applications
  • Chemicals
  • Utility capex & opex
  • Technologies
  • Digital
  • Industrial capex & opex

02. Country profiles

  • 60+ snapshot profiles
  • 37 detailed profiles

03. Datasets

  • Corporate financial results
  • Relevant third party industrial data
  • Resources - third party datasets

Forecasting the world's water markets.

Updating you with the latest intelligence.

Access 2023-2028 global water market forecasts, covering every region and providing you with a dynamic, more advanced and complete outlook for your core markets and industry sectors.

Enhance your business decisions with global water market forecast data provided on one platform and updated by our dedicated GWI analysts as crucial developments emerge.

Utility and industrial capex & opex forecasts split by region, sector and application, keeping you on track with your key markets.

Every forecast chart is accompanied by clear explanations of our methodology and definitions of our categories, together with links to any relevant external datasets.

Detailed country profiles

Explore granular market data for each country, alongside analysis of market dynamics, emerging market opportunities and challenges. You have all the resources you need to plan, validate and execute your strategy.

GWI WaterData is to water what the Bloomberg Terminal is to finance.

By bringing GWI's market forecasts and proprietary databases together with regular analyst commentary and direct access to third-party datasets, GWI WaterData will revolutionise the way you conduct strategic research and take big decisions.

Market Dynamics

Assess the competitive & technological landscape of your market

Market position

  • Market players by industry
  • Local and foreign players by country
  • 3,000+ PSP projects
  • 1,700+ company profiles
  • Top 100 third party equity investors in water infrastructure
  • Top 50 project developers
  • Market maps by technology
  • Top 50 private water operators

Technology developments

  • 1,100+ technology company profiles
  • Emerging & established technologies by tech type
  • Technology trends & market spotlights

Corporate activity

  • Market players & partnerships in the smart water market
  • Technology investment data
  • 6,500+ mergers & acquisitions
  • Companies dashboard

Keep your company at the cutting-edge.

GWI WaterData provides you with regular analyst insights on technology trends, spotlight features on key technology markets and detailed breakdowns of expenditure by technology. Understand emerging water sector concerns and technology needs, monitor patent application trends, and track the development of new treatment techniques, so your business can be at the forefront of the latest innovations.

Patent Tracker

Updated weekly, the Patent Tracker is a filterable database already containing details for 1800+ patent applications, eliminating the need to comb through volumes of unorganised patent data spread all over the web.

Competitive intelligence. Scope out major players & get the story behind the shake-ups.

Get ahead of your competitors by accessing crucial market intelligence sooner. GWI WaterData's Companies dashboard features a corporate calendar, M&A tracker and new and updated company profiles.

Navigate from the dashboard to access detailed analysis of corporate activity and key datasets, delivering deeper insight into emerging trends, finance flows and strategic developments.

Who works where? Chart the competitive landscape of each market with ease.

View global developer and operator rankings and identify the top investors and technology players for water and where they fit in the market. Pinpoint the untapped opportunities and profitable market niches.

Market Access

Identify potential customers, partners & routes to opportunity


  • 500+ water and wastewater tariffs
  • 60,000+ water & wastewater treatment plants
  • 6,600+ water & wastewater utility profiles


  • Profiles on local partners (engineers, EPC contractors, operators)
  • Profiles of technology companies


  • Sector structure and regulation overview for 35+ countries
  • Analysis of procurement models in each market
  • Water quality, wastewater and sludge discharge regulations in 40+ countries

“Grundfos is a very happy customer of yours, and I am really impressed overall with how much useful information I can find on your site.” Frederik Visti Grønbæk - Associate Specialist (Water Utility), Strategy Execution, GRUNDFOS Holding A/S.

Get to know your clients with GWI Waterdata.

Pull from data sources across GWI WaterData to get the complete picture of client companies and fully understand their operation, project metrics and needs.

With thousands of utility and industrial end-user profiles in GWI WaterData, you can quickly and easily identify potential clients in your target markets.

Build the best partnerships for your business.

With profiles on local partners (incl. engineers, EPC contractors, operators) in your target region, and companies working in specific technology applications, you'll have everything you need to find the business partners that will take you forward.

Map out your market entry. Understand regulation and other drivers.

Get a detailed view of local market conditions, regulations and procurement models, courtesy of our team of analysts. Find the ideal market for your solutions and expertise and stay up to date with changing financial flows and water sector needs.

  • Water quality, wastewater & sludge discharge regulations in 40+ countries
  • Analysis of procurement models in each market
  • Sector structure & regulation overview for 35+ countries

Drill down into the technology market.

GWI WaterData's technology coverage allows you to get to grips with the technology sector by providing the most comprehensive coverage of the global water technology market available. The platform covers 6 key technology areas, 27 technology subcategories and features 88 product type forecasts. Users can also filter over 200 technology categories in the companies database making this the ultimate technology resource for comprehensive analysis, forecasts, company data and the breakdown of market opportunities, dynamics and access strategies.

Integrate GWI WaterData into your business operations with the support of our team.

GWI WaterData is market research as a service. Our customer success and analyst teams are on hand to answer your questions and make your user experience as frictionless and effective as possible.

Ask an analyst

As a subscriber, you can connect with our team of 45 in-house water industry specialists via the 'Ask an analyst' tool and receive detailed responses within 48 hours for all your inquiries.

Customer success

Tailor your GWI WaterData experience for your business needs by accessing detailed and comprehensive training sessions for your entire team. Our live chat service is also available to you for any quick-fire questions or for technical support.


Our team of analysts and industry experts regularly breakdown the latest market developments across the global water sector. Quarterly and topical webinars allow you to gain an informed and impartial perspective on market trends and validate your own assessment and research of the market.

“The customer success team have always been super responsive and helpful with my many asks and have been able to address my many specific and urgent questions. This customer service and support is one of the many aspects that definitely sets GWI apart from other data providers I have used.” - A senior analyst, Global Strategic Consulting Firm.


“GWI WaterData provides us with a good overview on the market structure/dynamics, opportunities, technologies, projects and major players in each sector, as well as keeping us informed with latest news and updates. The GWI team has also been supportive and responsive to our questions and inquiries. A great tool to have for the water market.” Sook Yen, Sibelco.

“GWI WaterData is a truly comprehensive global compendium of all things water. I am able to easily look at the water space through multiple lenses (geography, industry, application, technology) and find detailed information and data on that topic. This saves a tremendous amount of time...I have not seen anything comparable to GWI in the water space and would highly recommend it.” Andrew Ledlie, Global Director, Digital Solutions, Solenis.