表紙:The Bishop Report

The Bishop Report

年12回 年間契約型情報サービス
価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=156.25円
The Bishop Report
出版日: 年12回 年間契約型情報サービス
発行: Bishop & Associates, Inc.
ページ情報: 英文
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次

Bishop & Associatesが毎月発行しているThe Bishop Reportは、世界のコネクター業界に関する良質で信頼性の高い情報源の1つとなっています。Bishopは、北米、日本、アジア太平洋、欧州の電子コネクター市場に注目し、地域別、国別、最終用途機器別、製品ライン別に分析する作業を長年にわたって続けており、The Bishop Reportを通じて各市場の詳細な予想も示しています。

The Bishop Reportの重要な柱となっているのが、コネクター業界の業績と収益性に関する最新情報を提供するHow's Businessです。四半期ごとに発行されるこのレポートは、各種の公開資料や独自に収集した資料の情報をまとめたもので、売上と収益に関する現在のトレンドや予想されるトレンドについての情報も網羅します。

Connector Industry News Briefs (年50~70回発行) は、コネクター業界に影響を及ぼす重要なニュースイベントが発生した際に電子メールで配信されるもので、The Bishop Report年間契約型情報サービスの加入者に無料で提供されます。

また年間契約型情報サービスの加入者は、The Connector Industry Yearbookを追加購入することもできます。このレポートは、株式を公開しているコネクターメーカーが発表する年次決算報告書を基に作成されるもので、過去10年間、5年間、および直近の年の損益計算書と貸借対照表をまとめたデータを通じて、業界の基準となる指標を示します。

The Bishop Report年間契約型情報サービスの内容

  • 毎月発行されるThe Bishop Report - およそ30ページのレポート
  • 年に50~75回発行されるConnector Industry News Briefs
  • WebサイトBishopReport.comへのアクセス
  • The Connector Industry Yearbook (追加購入オプション)
  • 各国および各地域のコネクター市場に関する分析

Bishop & Associatesは、主要国や発展途上国の電子コネクター市場に関する分析を長年にわたって続けており、これらの市場に関する情報をさまざまな方法で発表し、電子業界と電子コネクター業界の企業や団体に提供しています。情報を提供する手段の1つであるThe Bishop Reportは、同社が行うあらゆる調査の結節点となるもので、北米、日本、アジア太平洋、中国、欧州のコネクター市場における地域別、国別、製品ライン別の情報を提供します。












Connector Industry News Brief


To keep abreast of changes and events in the worldwide connector industry, the best and most relied upon source of information is The Bishop Report. Published monthly, The Bishop Report provides current and timely information on many key industry topics. With the accelerated pace of new emerging markets, daily announcements of new technologies, mergers and acquisitions, and product innovation, the constant change in major electronic markets will have more than a passing effect on your company and the connector industry as we move into the 21st century. The Bishop Report takes these topics head-on, and gives you up-to-date information and data to keep you informed of the changes happening in the world connector industry.


Your Annual Subscription To The Bishop Report Includes:

  • Twelve issues of The Bishop Report - typically 25+ pages in length
  • 40 to 50 Connector Industry News Briefs per year
  • Unlimited number of subscribers
  • Access to the The Bishop Report website archive portal
  • The Connector Industry Yearbook - a 200-page report on the connector industry (Corporate License only)

The Bishop Report Covers the Following Subjects

Analysis of Country and Regional Connector Markets

Each year, Bishop & Associates analyzes the electronic connector market for all major and developing countries. This information is published and supplied to the electronic connector industry in a variety of ways. The Bishop Report is one of those vehicles, providing a cross section of all research conducted by the firm. Each year, The Bishop Report furnishes regional, country, and product line information on the North American, Japanese, Asia-Pacific, Chinese and European connector markets.

Quarterly and Annual Sales and Profit Results

An important feature of The Bishop Report is the "How's Business" updates on the performance and profitability of the connector industry. Each quarter, Bishop & Associates recaps' information derived from public and proprietary sources to provide the industry with current, and projected trends in both sales and profits. Information on public companies is supplied at the company level, enabling the subscriber to evaluate each company individually, as well as comparing their own sales and profit results to the rest of the industry.

Projections by Country, and Region of the World

During the year, The Bishop Report will provide numerous connector growth projections at a regional, country, equipment, and product category level. The Bishop Report is a major source of growth estimates for the U.S. and world electronic connector markets.

Supplier Performance by Region, Product Category, And End-use Markets

Each year, Bishop & Associates dedicates one issue of The Bishop Report to the performance of connector suppliers worldwide. This information is extracted from an annual study published by Bishop & Associates on "The World's Top 100 Connector Suppliers." Supplier information is furnished by region of the world, product category, and end-use markets. Complete information is always provided on the top 10 worldwide suppliers, with individual sales by region of the world, sales by end-use markets, and sales by product category.

Market and OEM Trends

Each quarter, The Bishop Report analyzes results of public OEMs that purchase the majority of the world's connectors. We report on how the large connector consumers are performing in sales and profit growth. The OEMs are categorized by principal market sector, providing visibility by end-use equipment segment. Additionally, we monitor companies that comprise major sales channels, i.e., contract manufacturers and distributors.

Key Industry Benchmarks

The Bishop Report also provides "Key Connector Industry Benchmarks." The industry benchmark is a graphic or pictorial snapshot conveying a variety of information on the world connector market. Topics range from key industry results to, customer preference surveys, sales and profit results, cost of goods sold, SG&A, ROE, ROA, inventory turns, and others.

End-use Equipment Analysis by Country and Region of the World

Throughout the year, The Bishop Report will furnish information for end-use equipment markets with country, regional, and worldwide summaries.

Connector Industry Forecast and Outlook

Each quarter, Bishop Report subscribers will receive an in-depth "Outlook and Forecast" analysis of the world connector industry.

Product Analysis by Country and Region of the World

The Bishop Report furnishes country, regional, and worldwide information on connector sales.

Monthly Indices

  • Book-to-Bill analysis measures industry sales and orders to prior periods.
  • Connector Confidence Index (WCCI) measures industry personnel confidence in business conditions now and in six months.
  • Lead Time and Price Index monitor trends in connector prices and calculates the average lead-time on new orders in weeks.

Significant Events Affecting Connector Suppliers and Distributors

The "Significant Events" section of The Bishop Report furnishes a recap of important information and events related to the suppliers and distributors of electronic connectors. Bishop & Associates reviews industry publications, summarizing events having a bearing on the connector industry.

Updates on Key Industry Executives

The Bishop Report keeps you updated on key executives within the connector industry. This section provides current information on promotions, changes in responsibility, and moves involving connector supplier and distributor executives.

Connector Industry News Briefs

Your subscription to The Bishop Report includes Connector Industry News Briefs and Industry Updates. This service keeps you up-to-date on all significant events happening within the worldwide connector industry. Subscribers receive these by email so you are up-to-date on breaking industry news.