エレクトロニクス・通信技術分野レポートサブスクリプションElectronics & Communication Technologies Competitive & Market Intelligence Subscription |
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エレクトロニクス・通信技術分野レポートサブスクリプション |
出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス
発行: BIS Research
ページ情報: 英文
BIS Researchでは、広範な業界・技術分野 (医療、自動車/モビリティ、航空宇宙、防衛/セキュリティ、農業、食品技術、エネルギー/電力、先端材料・化学品・燃料、デジタル技術、エレクトロニクス、半導体、ロボティクス・オートメーションなど) にわたる、1,000件以上のシンジケート出版物のレポジトリを有しています。
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BIS Researchが提供するエレクトロニクス市場調査では、業界の将来についての予測を提供します。当社のレポートは、繁栄するエレクトロニクス産業、これらの製品を開発する国、電子機器の更新に対する需要の増加に関する成長予測を提供しています。BIS Researchが実施した調査研究は、エレクトロニクス・通信技術の市場動向、その用途、製品タイプ、それらが他の産業の垂直成長に影響を与える方法などを強調しています。
BIS Researchの半導体産業分析のためのBIS調査は、お客様がセンサーと半導体産業における深い専門知識を活用するのに役立ちます。この調査では、AI、クラウドコンピューティング、モノのインターネット(IoT)などの技術革新が、今後10年間にどのように巨大な機会をもたらすのかを説明しています。また、この調査では、業界における急速な技術変革についても調べています。包括的かつ厳密な調査により、インテリジェント照明、IoT、センサー、シリコンフォトニクス、拡張現実などの技術について、今後5年から10年の予測を示しています。
BIS Researchは、半導体産業分析に市場概要を含んでいます。これは、市場動向の促進要因、技術開拓、機会、競合ベンチマーキングなどの観点から、業界の展望を検討するのに役立ちます。
これらのレポートは、半導体業界の市場調査、業界のために働く力学とそれが示す競争情勢を詳細に提供します。業界の主要な参加者はまた、実績のある動向である戦略とともに、分析に含まれています。関係企業が行う戦略のいくつかは、パートナーシップ、ジョイントベンチャー、企業合併・買収 (M&A) です。効率的なデータ提供のためにBIS Researchが行った調査では、企業にとって好ましい戦略は、市場での地位を強化するのに役立つパートナーシップやコラボレーションであったと推定しています。
BIS Research has a repository of over 700 syndicated publications across its portfolio of industry and technology verticals, viz. Healthcare, Automotive/Mobility, Aerospace, Defense & Security, Agriculture, Food Tech, Advanced Materials, Chemicals & Fuels, Digital Technologies, Electronics & Semiconductors, Robotics & Automation.
BIS Research has provided credible market intelligence to over 2000 global companies and educational and research institutions and enabled them to make crucial decisions and achieve scale. Many of our clients have already upgraded to an InsightMonk subscription.
InsightMonk (by BIS Research) enables businesses and individuals to accelerate technology discovery, business evaluation, and innovation planning. It is a digital competitive intelligence platform that lets you track latest developments in your industry (with the noise filtered out) and offers the following benefits:
The electronics and semiconductor sector is considered as one of the primary foundations of the global economy. The industry is characterized by a high degree of competition and intensive research and development analyses to offer better quality products. The market is globally driven by rising demand for specialized IT hardware, professional automation products, and consumer electronics.
The electronic devices market research offered by BIS Research provides forecasts about the future of the industry. Our reports provide growth estimates for the flourishing electronics industry, nations developing these products, and increasing demand for updated electronic devices. Research studies conducted by BIS Research highlight the electronics and communication technologies market trends, their applications, product types, and the ways they influence the growth of other industry verticals.
The BIS Research for semiconductor industry analysis helps our clients utilize our deep expertise in the sensors and semiconductor industry. The research explains how AI, cloud computing, and Internet of Things (IoT), among other innovations, are presenting massive opportunities for the next decade. The research also looks into the rapid technological transformation in the industry. Our comprehensive and rigorous research provides forecasts for the upcoming five to ten years on technologies, including intelligent lighting, IoT, sensors, silicon photonics, and augmented reality, among others.
The semiconductor market research forecasts the industry as the driving force of technological developments and advancements. The extensive use of the semiconductors in the electronic devices market for smartphones, flat-screen monitors & LED TVs, civil aerospace, and military systems is expected to propel the demand. Also, the surging requirements from various applications such as healthcare, industrial, and automotive, along with the continuously evolving IoT market, have been identified as the key opportunities that could escalate the market growth in the coming years.
BIS Research includes the market overview in the semiconductor industry analysis. This helps examine the industry outlook in terms of factors driving the market trends, technological developments, opportunities and competitive benchmarking, among others.
These reports provides a detailed semiconductor industry market research, the dynamics of working for the industry and the competitive landscape it exhibits. The key participants of the industry are also included in the analysis along with the strategies that are proven trends. Some of the strategies that the companies involved undertake are partnerships, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions. The preferred strategy for the companies has been partnerships and collaborations that help them strengthen their positions in the market; as the research conducted by BIS Research for efficient data provision estimates.