

Automotive Industry Monitor: New Real-time, Personalized Advice and Data Service to Help Clients Monetize New Opportunities in Automotive

出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス | 発行: Auto2x | ページ情報: 英文

価格表記: GBPを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1GBP=202.15円
出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス
発行: Auto2x
ページ情報: 英文
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次



  • ADASセンサーのサプライチェーン:EU・米国・日本におけるレーダー・カメラ・LiDARの需給関係と、大手Tier-1サプライヤーの市場シェア
  • 自動車メーカーのロードマップ:レベル2~4、欧州・米国・中国の予測 (2030年まで)
  • 技術の観察:特許出願状況・学術論文の刊行状況・新興企業の分析を通じた、新技術・新機能の分析
  • 規制概略:規制・政策・規格が展開状況に及ぼす影響
  • 初期段階のスタートアップのランキング:パートナー選定・企業合併・買収 (M&A) のため



この革新的なリソースは、センサーメーカー、システムインテグレーター、自動車OEM、その他自律走行の主要企業間の複雑なつながりをマッピングし、比類のない詳細度と最新情報を提供します。Auto2x Databaseは、サプライチェーンの安全性をサポートし、イノベーションを促進し、コラボレーションを促進し、顧客の成功を可能にします。

  • 1. 広範なADASセンサーの広範な分析 (1,100以上のモデルが対象):6種類の主要市場 (レーダー、カメラ、LiDAR、HDマップ、超音波など) における世界の自動車メーカー40社の乗用車モデル (1,100種以上) に搭載されているADASセンサーの分析
  • 2. レーダー分野の包括的分析 (レーダー、カメラ、LiDAR、HDマップなど):当データベースは、ミリ波や4Dイメージング、コーナーレーダー、単焦点、ステレオ、3焦点カメラ、レーザースキャナー、固体LiDAR、HDマップなど、各種の前方レーダーをカバーしています。さらに、乗用車のレベル1からレベル4まで、クルージング機能とパーキング機能にわたって、それらがサポートするADAS機能のマッピングがあります。
  • 3. 世界全体/各地域のサプライチェーンをカバー:このデータベースは、欧州、米国、中国、日本、韓国、インドの2021~2024年度 (暦年で2020~2023年) までのセンサーサプライチェーンを包括的にカバーしており、ADASと自動運転のサプライチェーンの現状と将来について全体的な視点を提供しています。
  • 4. 40社以上のセンサーサプライヤーを詳細に分析:このデータベースは、ADASセンサーの世界的サプライヤー25社以上を綿密にカバーしており、主要なTier-1 ADASサプライヤーであるBosch、Continental、Denso、Valeo、Mobileyeに加え、Luminar、Innoviz、HesaiといったLiDAR分野の新興企業も網羅しています。
  • 5. ADASサプライヤーの市場シェア・ランキング・競合情勢分析:このデータベースでは、レーダー、カメラ、LiDAR、超音波の各サプライヤーの世界市場シェアと、6大市場における市場シェアを評価し、競合情勢を明らかにします。
  • 6. リアルタイム更新:ユーザーは常に最新情報にアクセス可能です。


  • ADASの搭載状況:モデル別
  • レベル4に向けた自動車メーカーの計画
  • 走行・駐車方法別

3,000社以上のスタートアップのランキングと追跡により、事業提携・企業合併・買収 (M&A) の対象の特定に役立ちます

  • セグメント別分析:電気自動車、バッテリー、持続可能性、AI、コネクテッドカー、シェアードモビリティなど
  • 月次データの更新:資金調達ステージの把握 (シード、シリーズA、Bなど)
  • 独占的アクセス:革新的なスタートアップ企業へのインタビュー内容を閲覧
  • ランキング:潜在力のあるスタートアップへの投資・提携機会の解明

The new SaaS from Auto2x empowers investors, strategists and innovators to identify vendors, new revenue pools and disruptive tech in the automotive industry

Auto2x helps industry experts, strategists, investors, regulators, academics and entepreneurs build new products and services in Mobility, scale their offerings and optimize R&D spending, CAPEX and investments in Automotive and Mobility.

Built on Auto2x's deep expertise in automotive industry technology, large datasets and focus on customer-centricity, the database unlocks best-in-class vendors to develop new offerings, winning business models and optimization processes for transportation players.

What's included

  • Supply chain in ADAS Sensors: Who-supplies-whom in radar, camera, lidar in EU, USA, Japan and Top Tier-1 supplier market shares;
  • Carmaker Roadmaps Level 2 to 4 by 2030 & Forecast for Europe, USA and China
  • Technology Scouting: Emerging Technologies and new features from the analysis of Patent Fillings, Academic Publications and Start-ups
  • Regulatory Guide: Regulations, policy and standards affecting deployment;
  • Ranking of early-stage Start-ups for partner selection or M&A

10 reasons why you should subscribe now

  • 1. Identify investment opportunities in start-ups that offer innovative solutions
  • 2. Support your due diligence of acquisition targets based on their technology capabilities, business models, funding status, and market traction.
  • 3. Understand investment trends in different regions and sectors of the Automotive ecosystem
  • 4. Qualify potential partners based on their unique selling points and outlook
  • 5. Get data-driven analysis and reports on the performance of start-ups in the industry,
  • 6. Monitor where your competitors invest in and why
  • 7. Boost your value creation with recommendations on how to leverage the start-up ecosystem
  • 8. Develop effective strategies and value propositions for collaborating with, investing in, or acquiring start-ups that offer innovative solutions
  • 9. Prepare for the future by making more informed decisions with insights into the start-up landscape from a technology and geographical perspective
  • 10. Stay updated on the latest innovations, trends, and opportunities in the rapidly changing start-up ecosystem.

ADAS Supply Chain & Suppliers' Market Shares

The Supply Chain Database offers an unparalleled level of ADAS sensor mapping to help you navigate the intricate dynamics of the autonomous driving ecosystem

In the rapidly advancing field of autonomous driving, comprehensive insights into the complex supply chain of radar, camera, lidar and other sensors are crucial for success. Who supplies whom is critical for strategic planning, supply chain security, partner or supplier scouting and competitor benchmarking.

The innovative resource offers an unparalleled level of detail and up-to-date information, mapping the intricate connections between sensor manufacturers, system integrators, automotive OEMs, and other key players in the autonomous driving landscape. Auto2x Database supports supply chain security, fostering innovation, facilitating collaboration, and enabling customer success.

Auto2x ADAS Supply Chain Database offers an unparalleled level of sensor mapping to help you navigate the intricate dynamics of the autonomous driving ecosystem.

  • 1. Extensive ADAS Sensor Analysis in +1,100 models: The database examines the ADAS sensors, including radar, camera, lidar, HD maps, ultrasonics, fitted in over 1,100 passenger car models from 40 global carmakers across six key markets.
  • 2. Holistic coverage of sensor content for radar, camera, lidar, HD maps and more: The database covers front-facing radars of different technologies, such as millimeter wave or 4D imaging, corner radars, mono, stereo and tri-focal cameras, laser scanners, solid-state lidar, and HD maps. Moreover, there is mapping of the ADAS Features they support, from: Level 1 to Level 4 in passenger cars, across Cruising and Parking features.
  • 3. Global and regional Supply Chain Coverage: The database comprehensively covers sensor supply chains in Europe, USA, China, Japan, Korea, and India for the Model Years 2021 to 2024 (Calendar Year 2020-2023), providing a holistic perspective on the current and future state of the ADAS and automated driving supply chain.
  • 4. In-Depth Analysis of +40 Sensor Suppliers: The database meticulously covers more than 25 global suppliers of ADAS sensors, encompassing major Tier-1 ADAS suppliers Bosch, Continental, Denso, Valeo, and Mobileye, as well as emerging players in the LiDAR sector such as Luminar, Innoviz, and Hesai.
  • 5. ADAS Supplier Market Shares, Rankings and Competitive Landscape Analysis: The database assesses the market shares of suppliers in radar, camera, lidar, and ultrasonics globally and across the six major markets, delivering a clear picture of the competitive landscape.
  • 6. Real-time updates to ensure that users always have access to the latest information

Autonomous Driving Roadmaps of Top30 Carmakers

  • Fitment of ADAS by model,
  • carmaker plans for Level 4
  • by Cruising & Parking

Ranking and tracking of 3000+ start-ups to help you identify partners or M&A targets

  • Segmentation by: Electric Vehicles, Batteries, Sustainability, AI, Connected Cars, Shared Mobility and more
  • Monthly update of data: Funding stages captured include Seed, Series-A, B and more
  • Exclusive access to interviews with innovative Start-ups
  • Auto2x ranking of Start-potential to reveal opportunities for investment or partnerships

Who is this for

The Automotive Start-up Database is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving automotive industry. This comprehensive database caters to a diverse audience, including:

  • Investors: Venture capitalists, angel investors, and private equity firms seeking to identify and support promising automotive start-ups with game-changing technologies.
  • Industry Experts: Researchers, analysts, and consultants seeking to track emerging trends, identify potential disruptors, and gain insights into the competitive landscape.
  • Media Professionals: Journalists, bloggers, and reporters seeking to stay informed about the latest innovations, uncover compelling stories, and connect with industry experts.
  • Automotive Professionals: Engineers, designers, and executives working in the automotive industry, seeking to stay abreast of cutting-edge technologies, identify potential partners, and gain a competitive edge.
  • Start-ups: Entrepreneurs and innovators developing disruptive technologies and business models, seeking to connect with potential investors, partners, and industry leaders.

With its vast repository of data, advanced search capabilities, and insightful analytics, the Automotive Start-up Database empowers users to navigate the dynamic automotive landscape, identify opportunities, and make informed decisions.