

IoT Networks & Services Research Service

ABI Research
詳細については [お見積] ボタンよりお問い合わせ下さい。
出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス
発行: ABI Research
ページ情報: 英文
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次



当レポートは、IoTソリューションの実現サービスのバリューチェーンを包括的にカバーしています。さらに、新技術や通信ネットワークがIoTアプリケーションやソリューションの展開に与える影響についても調査しています。また、IoTバリューチェーンのさまざまな要素を実現する重要なサプライヤー (通信事業者、クラウドサプライヤー/ハイパースケーラー、電子ディストリビューター、IoTプラットフォームサプライヤー、システムインテグレーター (SI) 、付加価値再販業者 (VAR) など) の競争力や市場シェアを分析しています。


  • コネクティビティ
  • プラットフォーム
  • アプリケーション
  • データ・アナリティクス
  • 専門サービス
  • マネージドサービス




  • 各種の接続オプション (LPWA、5G、低軌道 (LEO) 衛星、固定回線など) は、どのようにしてより多くの利用事例を実現するのか?また、ネットワークアクセスの収益やサプライヤーのビジネスモデルの投資収益率 (ROI) にどう影響するのか?
  • IoTアプリケーションの実装とソリューション開発において、アプリケーション開発や既製アプリ、デバイス・ツー・クラウドサービスはどう進化するのか?
  • データとコネクテッドデバイスの成長により、マネージドサービス・データサービス・専門サービスにどのような新しい機会が生まれているか?
  • データ管理やストリーミング解析、機械学習 (ML)/人工知能 (AI) 技術がもたらす新たな機会とは?
  • クラウド、MVNO (仮想移動体通信事業者)、新規サービスが接続管理サービスに与える影響は?


  • プライベートネットワークの役割は何か?パブリックネットワークにどのような影響を与えるか?
  • 動画技術は、IoTアプリケーションの機会や利用事例をどのように変えていくのか?
  • 5GネットワークはIoTの成長やアプリケーション開発、サプライヤーのソリューション提供にどのような影響を与えるか?


  • 以下のソリューション・プロバイダーの競争状況と市場の見通しはどうか。
    • 通信事業者:MNO (移動体通信事業者)、MVNOなど
    • クラウド・サプライヤー、ハイパー・スケーラー
    • 電子ディストリビューター
    • IoTプラットフォーム・サプライヤー
    • システムインテグレーター (SI)、VAR (付加価値再販業者)

















ABI Insight

「ABI Insight」は、1~2ページのエグゼクティブサマリーで、企業合併・買収 (M&A) や、規制の提案/制定の動き、製品の売、市場の最新情報など、最近の注目すべきニュースを中心に、ABI Researchの重要な技術予測を紹介しています。


ABI Research's ‘IoT Networks & Services research’ focuses on the value chain and supplier environments that enable IoT solutions. We help enterprises and IoT suppliers identify optimal partners and help IoT suppliers better understand their competitors. Supporting these benefits are highly granular forecasts of the IoT value chain segmented by communications technology, revenue category, application segment, and vertical market.

IoT Networks & Services Coverage

ABI Research's ‘IoT Networks & Services research’ provides comprehensive coverage of the services value chain that enables IoT solutions. In addition, our coverage examines the impact of new technologies and communication networks on deployment of IoT applications and solutions. The service also provides competitive and market share analysis of important suppliers enabling different elements of the IoT value chain, including telcos, cloud suppliers and hyperscalers, electronic distributors, IoT platform suppliers, System Integrators (SIs), and Value-Added Resellers (VARs).

Coverage areas include:

  • Connectivity
  • Platforms
  • Applications
  • Data and analytics
  • Professional services
  • Managed services

Answers To Today's Critical IoT Networks & Services Questions:

We help technology suppliers and implementers answer the most pressing questions about IoT Networks & Services, including:

IoT Value Chain:

  • How are connectivity options like LPWA, 5G, Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite, and fixed line enabling more use cases, but also affecting network access revenue and supplier business model Return on Investment (ROI)?
  • What is the evolution of application development, off-the-shelf apps, and device-to-cloud services in IoT application enablement and solution development?
  • How is growth in data and connected devices creating new opportunities in managed services, data services, and professional services?
  • What new opportunities are arising from data management, streaming analytics, and ML/Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies?
  • What is the impact of cloud, Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs), and new services on connectivity management services?

Network and Technology Assessments:

  • What is the role of private networks and what impact will they have on public networks?
  • How are video technologies changing the opportunities and use cases in IoT applications?
  • What impact will 5G networks have on IoT growth, application development, and supplier solution offerings?

Value Chain Supplier Analysis:

  • What is the competitive landscape and market outlook for the following solution providers:
    • Telcos, including Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) and MVNOs?
    • Cloud suppliers and hyperscalers?
    • Electronic distributors?
    • IoT platform suppliers?
    • SIs and VARs?

Research Deliverables

We cover the technologies, trends, and markets from every angle, and we deliver our qualitative and quantitative intelligence in multiple formats.

Competitive Assessment

Competitive Assessment reports offer comprehensive analysis of implementation strategies and innovation, coupled with market share analysis, to offer unparalleled insight into a company's performance and standing in comparison to its competitors.

Market Data

Market Data spreadsheets are composed of deep data, market share analysis, and highly segmented, service-specific forecasts to provide detailed insight where opportunities lie.

Technology Analysis

Based on extensive primary interviews, Technology Analysis reports present in-depth analysis on key market trends and factors for a specific technology.

Hot Tech Innovators

Hot Tech Innovators reports focus on companies at the forefront of transformational innovation, particularly those that are younger and less well-known than the incumbents, at the technological forefront of their markets, developing new business models, destabilizing the current market and prime acquisition targets.

Market Update

Depicted in a PowerPoint format, the Market Update provides a snapshot into current and future market opportunities and threats for a specific technology as well as focusing on a selected key market and associated trends.

Transformative Horizon

Transformative Horizon PowerPoints are aimed at providing timely, deep, actionable insight in the looming transformative innovations that will impact the markets which matter most by focusing on a new company entrance or product launch, a significant company merger, a new business model or a new strategic direction for an incumbent.

Application Analysis

Based on extensive primary interviews, Application Analysis reports present in-depth analysis on key market trends and factors for a specific application, which could focus on an individual market or geography.

ABI Insight

In a one- to two-page executive summary, ABI Insights are driven mostly by recent, noteworthy news events - including M&As, proposed and recently enacted regulations, product launches and market updates -and often highlight ABI Research's important technology forecasts.