

IoT Markets Research Service

ABI Research
詳細については [お見積] ボタンよりお問い合わせ下さい。
出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス
発行: ABI Research
ページ情報: 英文
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ABI Researchでは、技術サプライヤーや実装企業が、以下のようなIoTハードウェア・デバイスに関する、最も緊急性の高い質問に答えられるよう支援します。




  • OEMやソリューションプロバイダーは、産業別市場においてどのような市場戦略をとっているのか?
  • 各々のIoT市場でソリューションを提供するのはどこか?
  • 産業別IoTソリューションの中で、成長が著しいのはどこか?
  • 新しい技術・アプリケーション・持続可能性ソリューションは、スマートビルディングにおける新たなソリューション機会を、どのように生み出しているのか?


  • センサー技術は、スマートグリッドや産業インフラにおけるIoTの新たな市場機会を、どのように促進するか?
  • 自動車・航空宇宙・医薬品における資産追跡・監視サービスのニーズと要件は?
  • 「農場から食卓まで」のサプライチェーンの可視化を実現するIoTサプライヤーとは?
  • 10億個以上の規模の小包・パレットプール・クレート追跡市場に成長をもたらす技術とは何か?


  • 個々のIoT市場における、サービスや価格の違いは何か?
  • ソリューションプロバイダーやデバイスOEMは、IoTの導入を促進するために、どのようにパッケージングやバンドルを行っているのか?
  • どのようにハードウェア/アプリケーション/サービスを活用すれば、ビジネスプロセスのKPIの定量化が可能になるのか?
  • 複数デバイス/用途向けIoTの市場において、市場はどのようにIoTソリューションの普及を促進しているか?

















ABI Insight

「ABI Insight」は、1~2ページのエグゼクティブサマリーで、企業合併・買収 (M&A) や、規制の提案/制定の動き、製品の売、市場の最新情報など、最近の注目すべきニュースを中心に、ABI Researchの重要な技術予測を紹介しています。


IoT suppliers are revamping their Go-To-Market strategies to better serve specific vertical markets. Our IoT Markets research provides clarity and in-depth insight into four critical IoT markets - Smart Grid and Utilities, Smart Commercial Buildings, Asset Tracking and Monitoring, and Industrial Systems and Subsystems. IoT suppliers will learn what technologies, solution offerings, and channel strategies offer the best opportunity to succeed in each market.

IoT Markets Coverage

Smart Grid and Utilities, Smart Commercial Buildings, Asset Tracking and Monitoring, and Industrial Systems and Subsystems are four critical IoT market segments. Not only do they represent significant revenue opportunities, they also have unique use cases and business process needs. ABI Research's IoT Markets research service explores these markets in deep detail

Answers To Today's Critical IoT Markets Questions:

We help technology suppliers and implementers answer the most pressing questions about IoT Markets, including:

Comprehensive IoT Supplier Analysis:

  • What are the different go-to-market strategies of OEMs and solution providers by vertical market?
  • Who drives solution enablement within different IoT markets?
  • Where in verticalized IoT solutions is value evolving?
  • How are new technologies, applications, and sustainability solutions creating new solution opportunities in smart buildings?

Deep Vertical Market Analysis:

  • How will sensor technologies drive new opportunities for IoT in smart grid and industrial infrastructure?
  • What are the needs and requirements of asset tracking and monitoring services in automotive, aerospace, and pharmaceuticals?
  • Who are the IoT suppliers enabling greater visibility of farm-to-table supply chains?
  • What technologies will create growth in the billion+ unit parcel, pallet pooling, and crate tracking markets?

Monetization Strategy Assessments:

  • What are differences in services and offer pricing in different IoT markets?
  • How are solutions providers and device OEMs packaging and bundling to drive IoT adoption?
  • How do hardware, apps, and services enable quantification of business process KPIs?
  • How are marketplaces driving adoption of IoT solutions in multi-device/use-case IoT markets?

Research Deliverables

We cover the technologies, trends, and markets from every angle, and we deliver our qualitative and quantitative intelligence in multiple formats.

Competitive Assessment

Competitive Assessment reports offer comprehensive analysis of implementation strategies and innovation, coupled with market share analysis, to offer unparalleled insight into a company's performance and standing in comparison to its competitors.

Market Data

Market Data spreadsheets are composed of deep data, market share analysis, and highly segmented, service-specific forecasts to provide detailed insight where opportunities lie.

Technology Analysis

Based on extensive primary interviews, Technology Analysis reports present in-depth analysis on key market trends and factors for a specific technology.

Hot Tech Innovators

Hot Tech Innovators reports focus on companies at the forefront of transformational innovation, particularly those that are younger and less well-known than the incumbents, at the technological forefront of their markets, developing new business models, destabilizing the current market and prime acquisition targets.

Market Update

Depicted in a PowerPoint format, the Market Update provides a snapshot into current and future market opportunities and threats for a specific technology as well as focusing on a selected key market and associated trends.

Transformative Horizon

Transformative Horizon PowerPoints are aimed at providing timely, deep, actionable insight in the looming transformative innovations that will impact the markets which matter most by focusing on a new company entrance or product launch, a significant company merger, a new business model or a new strategic direction for an incumbent.

Application Analysis

Based on extensive primary interviews, Application Analysis reports present in-depth analysis on key market trends and factors for a specific application, which could focus on an individual market or geography.

ABI Insight

In a one- to two-page executive summary, ABI Insights are driven mostly by recent, noteworthy news events - including M&As, proposed and recently enacted regulations, product launches and market updates -and often highlight ABI Research's important technology forecasts.