

The Future of Anti-Counterfeiting, Brand Protection & Security Packaging to 2028

出版日: | 発行: Smithers | ページ情報: 英文 101 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=143.76円
出版日: 2023年05月08日
発行: Smithers
ページ情報: 英文 101 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次







  • COVID-19の影響
  • eコマースの継続的成長
  • 世界の貿易摩擦
  • ロシアのウクライナ侵攻
  • より総合的なソリューションの出現
  • 明示的 vs 秘匿的ソリューション
  • 消費者とのインタラクション
  • 最近の法律
    • 世界
    • 米国
    • 中国


  • 概要
  • 不正開封防止デバイス
    • 穴あき開口部
    • シュリンクスリーブラップ
    • インダクションシール
    • ブリスターパック
    • ティアテープ
    • 特殊接着剤
    • シール
  • 製品認証
    • DOVID (ホログラムを含む)
    • 基板
    • インク
    • スレッド
  • トラック&トレース
    • タガント
    • RFID
    • コーディング
  • 盗難防止
    • 電子商品監視 (EAS) タグ
    • フォレンジックマーク


  • 概要
  • 消費者
    • 食品
    • 飲料
    • 化粧品
    • 医薬品・ヘルスケア
    • アパレル
    • その他の消費財
  • 産業
    • 自動車・航空部品
    • 電子部品


  • 概要
  • 西欧
  • 東欧
  • 北米
  • 中南米
  • アジア太平洋
  • 中東
  • アフリカ


  • ブロックチェーン
  • IoTのさらなる成長
  • AI
  • デジタルアイデンティティ

This report explores the rise in counterfeit goods and the impact on security packaging. Brand owners are responding to the threat with smart and connected packaging specifically designed for e-commerce.

  • The global market for anti-counterfeiting, brand protection and security packaging is worth an estimated $3.62 billion in 2022
  • Market value is forecast to increase at a CAGR of 4.9% to reach more than $4.61 billion by 2028
  • The industry is driven by the growing adoption of new innovations and technologies as well as the worldwide spread of counterfeit goods.

The conflict in Ukraine, the energy crisis and high inflation have contributed to a weakening of the global economy and disruption of supply chains. Opportunities to trade in fake goods - such as pharmaceuticals, cigarettes, and apparel - are being exploited by criminal organisations selling counterfeits, with China the dominant country of provenance. The rise of influencer marketing has been accompanied by an increase in counterfeit goods intentionally sold and purchased online. The report explores the rise in counterfeit goods and the impact on security packaging. Brand owners are responding to the threat with smart and connected packaging specifically designed for e-commerce.

Our exclusive content

  • Historic, current and future market forecasts by world region, security technology, and end-use sector
  • A detailed analysis of how technological advances are shaping the industry
  • Review of the growing e-commerce penetration and global trade patterns
  • Analysis of recent regulatory developments
  • Analysis of market trends driving growth in the anti-counterfeiting, brand protection and security packaging market.

What will you discover?

  • The trade in fake medicines continues to grow. Illicit food products are increasingly sold online and this trend is set to continue. There has been a sharp increase in counterfeit tobacco products
  • Sustainability goals are driving digital traceability. The EU proposal to introduce Digital Product Passports will require products to have digital identities and presents the industry with new opportunities for anti-counterfeiting authentication.

The Smithers methodology

This report is based on extensive primary and secondary research. Primary research consisted of targeted interviews with material suppliers, converters and experts drawn from key markets. This was supported by secondary research in the form of extensive literature analysis of published data, official government statistics, domestic and international trade organisation data, company websites, industry reports, trade press articles, presentations, and attendance at trade events.

Who should buy the report?

  • Components producers
  • Technology suppliers
  • Packaging converters
  • Brand owners and retailers

About the author

Duncan Reid has 33 years' experience in the currency sector as project manager and market analyst, specialising in banknote security features and forensic analysis of counterfeit banknotes. He has authored a number of security reports, including The Future of Digital Printing for Secure Documents to 2027 and The Future of Physical vs Digital Currency: Banknotes in a Digital World to 2032 for Smithers.

Table of Contents

Executive summary

Introduction & methodology

  • Introduction
  • Report scope
  • Report objectives
  • Methodology
  • Data
    • Packaging features
    • End use applications
    • Geographic regions
  • Definitions
  • List of terms used
    • Abbreviations

Key drivers and trends

  • Introduction
  • Impact of Covid-19
  • Continued growth of e-commerce
  • Global trade tensions
    • US-China
    • Brexit
  • Russia's Ukrainian invasion
  • Emergence of more holistic solutions
  • Overt versus covert solutions
  • Consumer interaction
  • Recent legislation
    • Global
    • US
    • China

Anti-counterfeiting packaging feature markets 2021-26

  • Overview
  • Tamper-evident devices
    • Perforated openings
    • Shrink sleeve wrap
    • Induction seals
    • Blisterpacks
    • Tear tapes
    • Specialist adhesives
    • Seals
  • Product authentication
    • DOVIDs (inc. holograms)
    • Substrates
    • Inks
    • Threads
  • Track-and-trace
    • Taggants
    • RFID
    • Coding
  • Anti-theft
    • Electronic article surveillance (EAS) tags
    • Forensic marks

Anti-counterfeiting packaging end-use application markets 2021-26

  • Overview
  • Consumer
    • Food
    • Beverages
    • Cosmetics
    • Pharmaceuticals and healthcare
    • Apparel
    • Other consumer goods
  • Industrial
    • Automotive and aviation components
    • Electronics components

Anti-counterfeiting packaging geographic markets 2021-26

  • Overview
  • Western Europe
    • France
    • Germany
    • Italy
    • UK
    • Other Western Europe
  • Eastern Europe
  • North America
    • US
    • Canada
  • South and Central America
  • Asia-Pacific
    • China
    • India
    • Japan
    • Other Asia-Pacific
  • Middle East
  • Africa

Unmet needs in anticounterfeiting, brand protection and security packaging

  • Blockchain
  • Further growth of the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Digital identities


  • Current and future trends in the global e-commerce market
  • Global brand protection market by technology, 2018-2023 forecast ($ million)
  • Global brand protection market by technology, percentage value share, 2023/2028
  • Global brand protection market by end-use sector, percentage value share, 2023/2028
  • Global brand protection market by geographic region, percentage value share, 2023/2028
  • Comparison of technology markets 2023/2028 report
  • Comparison of end-use markets 2023/2028 report
  • Comparison of geographic markets 2023/2028 report
  • Global brand protection market by technology, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Global brand protection market for dedicated tamper-evident technologies, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Global brand protection market for product authentication technologies, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Global brand protection market for track-and-trace technologies, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Global brand protection market for anti-theft technologies, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Global brand protection market by end-use sector, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Food: global brand protection market by function and region, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Beverages: global brand protection market by function and region, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Cosmetics: global brand protection market by function and region, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Pharmaceuticals and healthcare: global brand protection market by function and region, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Other consumer goods: global brand protection market by function and region, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Industrial: global brand protection market by function and region, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Global brand protection market by geographic region, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Western Europe brand protection market by function, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Western Europe brand protection market by end-use sector, 2018- 28 forecast ($ million)
  • Eastern Europe brand protection market by function, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Eastern Europe brand protection market by end-use sector, 2018- 28 forecast ($ million)
  • North America brand protection market by function, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • North America brand protection market by end-use sector, 2018- 28 forecast ($ million)
  • South and Central America brand protection market by function, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • South and Central America brand protection market by end-use sector, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Asia brand protection market by function, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Asia brand protection market by end-use sector, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Middle East brand protection market by function, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Middle East brand protection market by end-use sector, 2018- 28 forecast ($ million)
  • Africa brand protection market by function, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)
  • Africa brand protection market by end-use sector, 2018-28 forecast ($ million)


  • Forecast growth of the global e-commerce market ($ billion), 2023-28
  • Business opinions concerning brand protection post-Brexit (% of respondents), 2020