電動トラック・バス用パワートレイン部品 (2023年):価格とアーキテクチャへの注目Electrified Truck & Bus Powertrain Components 2023 - A Focus on Pricing and Architecture |
電動トラック・バス用パワートレイン部品 (2023年):価格とアーキテクチャへの注目 |
出版日: 2023年11月28日
発行: Interact Analysis
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
以下の2枚のスライドに書いてある情報は、トラック・バスの車両部品に関する既存の分析結果を踏まえた、当レポートの分析範囲の概要を示しています。当レポートは、オンロード車の車両とコンポーネントの双方の市場データを統合しています (オフロード車とコンポーネントは別レポートで取り上げています) 。
The information in this slide and the next slide outlines the scope of this report, that builds on several years of existing research on truck and bus vehicle components. This report combines both vehicle and component data for the on-road market (off-road vehicle and components are covered in separate reports).
"We chose Interact Analysis because of their existing studies on the field of electric commercial vehicles. They have a very motivated and qualified team that is very responsive and easy to work with. Even current circumstances were immediately included in the data sets and the analysis was adjusted accordingly. Their extensive data sets and their deep understanding of the market supports us in our strategic decisions". - BMW AG.
Buses have already been electrifying quickly in China and Europe in particular. More attention is now turning to the big question of how fast trucks will follow.
In recent years, we've seen the component market as quite immature. Sometimes we see many competitors competing for the same business without a clear market leader, while at other times there aren't enough suppliers of a component in some market segments. We now expect to see the transition to a more mature, stable market.
The very strong growth must be balanced against the future price erosion and competition when assessing whether to enter this market. However strong unit growth and the use of components in larger vehicles will help lead to strong revenue growth, making the market attractive to most.
Typically, clients use our reports to assist with some of the following: