臨床検査サービス市場レポート:検査タイプ、サービスプロバイダー、用途、地域別、2024~2032年Clinical Laboratory Services Market Report by Test Type, Service Provider, Application, and Region 2024-2032 |
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臨床検査サービス市場レポート:検査タイプ、サービスプロバイダー、用途、地域別、2024~2032年 |
出版日: 2024年08月10日
ページ情報: 英文 146 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
世界の臨床検査サービス市場規模は、2023年に2,447億米ドルに達しました。今後、IMARC Groupは、市場は2032年までに3,839億米ドルに達し、2024~2032年の間に5%の成長率(CAGR)を示すと予測しています。糖尿病を管理するための血糖値検査、HbA1c検査、脂質プロファイルなどの診断検査に対する需要の高まり、医療への障壁を低減し、全体的な検査量を増加させることができるため、臨床検査サービスにアクセスするための遠隔医療への依存度の高まり、精密医療の動向の高まりが、市場にプラスの影響を与えています。
競合情勢:臨床検査サービス業界の主要市場参入企業には、Abbott Laboratories、Becton, Dickinson and Company、bioMerieux SA、Charles River Laboratories、F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd、Illumina Inc.、NeoGenomics Laboratories Inc.、Quest Diagnostics Incorporated、Siemens Healthcare GmbH(Siemens AG)、Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.があります。
糖尿病を管理するために、血糖値検査、HbA1c検査、脂質プロファイルなどの診断検査の需要が増加しています。これらの検査は、糖尿病の診断、血糖値のモニタリング、関連する心血管危険因子の評価にも不可欠です。糖尿病を効果的に管理するためには、血糖値を定期的にモニタリングする必要があります。臨床検査室は血糖コントロール、腎機能、脂質レベル、その他のバイオマーカーのモニタリングに役立つため、非常に重要です。糖尿病網膜症、腎症、神経障害などの合併症を予防するために、臨床検査室ではスクリーニング検査を実施しています。これらのスクリーニング検査により、糖尿病の進行予防に役立つタイムリーな介入が可能となります。ポイントオブケア検査(POCT)は、迅速な検査が可能で、すぐに結果が出るため、人々に好まれています。この検査は、糖尿病患者のモニタリングにより効果的です。IDF Diabetes Atlasのウェブサイトに掲載されたデータによると、2045年までに約7億8,300万人が糖尿病に罹患すると予測されています。
IMARC Groupのレポートによると、世界の精密医療市場は2023年に752億米ドルに達しました。バイオマーカー、遺伝子変異、特定の分子標的を特定する精密医療にとって、遺伝子検査、ゲノム配列決定、分子診断が重要です。これらの検査は、疾病リスクの予測、個人の遺伝的特徴に応じた最も効果的な治療法の選択、治療方針の決定に役立つため、臨床検査室で実施されます。コンパニオン診断薬を開発し実施するためには、臨床検査室が非常に重要であり、これが臨床検査サービス市場の成長を強化しています。コンパニオン診断薬は、特定の標的治療の成功率を算出するためのバイオマーカーを同定するために用いられる検査です。これを知ることで、腫瘍学、感染症、その他の治療セグメントにおける治療の選択を最適化することができます。個人における薬剤の反応をモニターするために遺伝的変異を分析することは非常に重要であり、ファーマコゲノミクスはこの分析において重要な役割を果たしています。臨床検査室は、薬剤の有効性、必要量、潜在的な副作用を予測するために、薬理ゲノム検査を提供しています。
遠隔医療は、遠隔地にいても医師とつながることができるため、現在、人々に好まれています。また、遠隔医療プラットフォームを通じて臨床検査サービスにアクセスすることができ、医療への障壁を減らし、全体的な検査量を増やすことができます。遠隔医療を通じて糖尿病のような慢性疾患を遠隔でモニターすることも容易になります。臨床検査室は、このような疾患の継続的な管理と患者の転帰を改善するために非常に重要です。遠隔医療市場で事業を展開する主要企業は、顧客基盤を拡大するために協業やパートナーシップに注力しています。例えば、2023年、オラクルとZoom Video Communications, Inc.は、より速く、より簡単で、より効果的な遠隔医療サービスを提供するために協業を拡大しました。在宅キットは臨床検査機関から配布され、在宅で採取されたサンプルを処理し、遠隔医療プラットフォームを通じて正確な診断結果を遠隔で提供するもので、臨床検査サービス市場の展望は良好です。
IMARC Groupは、市場の各セグメントにおける主要動向の分析と、2024~2032年の世界、地域、国レベルの予測を提供しています。当レポートでは、市場を検査タイプ、サービスプロバイダー、アプリケーションに基づいて分類しています。
北米は高度に発達した医療システムを有し、特に米国とカナダでは最先端のインフラと医療サービスへのアクセスが広く普及しています。これには、幅広い臨床検査サービスを提供するクリニック、病院、診断ラボの評判の良いネットワークが含まれます。世界の医療支出に関して言えば、米国は常にトップです。臨床検査サービスの急速な増加は、医療のインフラ、技術、サービスに対する多額の投資に起因しています。疾病モニタリング、オーダーメイド投薬、診断検査といった市場を牽引するイニシアチブは、医療支出によって強化されています。米国で事業を展開する主要企業は、新技術をサポートする検査の提供にも注力しています。例えば、2023年、オランダのバイオテクノロジー企業Detact Diagnostics社は、米国にあるキーン州立大学の研究所で細菌検出サンプリングを開始する計画について発表しました。
市場調査レポートは、市場の競合情勢についても包括的な分析を提供しています。すべての主要企業の詳細プロファイルも提供しています。臨床検査サービス業界の主要な市場参入企業には、Abbott Laboratories、Becton, Dickinson and Company、bioMerieux SA、Charles River Laboratories、F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd、Illumina Inc.、NeoGenomics Laboratories Inc.、Quest Diagnostics Incorporated、Siemens Healthcare GmbH(Siemens AG)、Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.があります。
大手臨床検査サービス企業は、市場での地位を強化し、拡大する診断検査のニーズを満たすために、様々な戦術を積極的に追求しています。企業は、他社との提携や買収によるサービス・ポートフォリオの拡充により、世界中のより多くの患者にリーチし、より幅広い検査の選択肢を提供しています。例えば、2023年、革新的で包括的な検査サービスの世界リーダーであるLabcorpは、マサチューセッツ州を代表する総合学術医療システムであるTufts Medicineと、より大規模な戦略的提携に向けた第一歩として、Tufts Medicineのアウトリーチ検査事業と一部の事業資産を買収することで合意したと発表しました。大手企業はまた、サービスの精度、有効性、納期を向上させるため、自動化、デジタル病理学、次世代シーケンシングなどの最先端技術に多大な投資を行っています。遺伝子診断や分子診断に特化した検査を開発・活用することで、精密医療や集中治療を支えるオーダーメイド医療にも注力しています。
2023年DiaCarta Ltd.は、米国における体外診断薬(IVD)の規制コンプライアンスと臨床検査室開発検査(LDT)のバリデーションに対するアンメットニーズをサポートするため、ニュージャージー州を拠点とするHopkins MedTech Compliance(HMC)とHopkins MedTech Lab Services(HML)と戦略的パートナーシップを締結したと発表しました。
2023年Aegis Sciences CorporationがHealthTrackRxの毒物学事業部門を買収し、毒物学ポートフォリオを強化。
The global clinical laboratory services market size reached US$ 244.7 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 383.9 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 5% during 2024-2032. The growing demand for diagnostic tests, such as blood glucose tests, HbA1c testing, and lipid profiles to manage diabetes, rising reliance on telehealth to access clinical laboratory services as it can reduce barriers to healthcare and increase overall testing volumes, and increasing trend of precision medicines are positively influencing the market.
Major Market Drivers: The rising need for genetic testing, genomic sequencing, and molecular diagnostics to identify biomarkers, genetic variations, and specific molecular targets for precision medicines is propelling the market growth.
Key Market Trends: The growing trend of telehealth, which enable people to access healthcare services even at remote locations is offering a favorable market outlook.
Geographical Trends: North America is enjoying the leading position on account of its highly developed healthcare systems with cutting-edge infrastructure and widespread access to healthcare services.
Competitive Landscape: Some of the major market players in the clinical laboratory services industry include Abbott Laboratories, Becton, Dickinson and Company, bioMerieux SA, Charles River Laboratories, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Illumina Inc., NeoGenomics Laboratories Inc., Quest Diagnostics Incorporated, Siemens Healthcare GmbH (Siemens AG), Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., among many others.
Challenges and Opportunities: While the market faces challenges, such as regulatory compliance, high operational costs, and maintaining accuracy and reliability of tests, it also encounters opportunities in diagnostic technologies, personalized medicine, and remote diagnostic services.
Rising prevalence of diabetes
There is a rise in the demand for diagnostic tests, such as blood glucose tests, HbA1c testing, and lipid profiles, to manage diabetes. These tests are also crucial for diagnosing diabetes, monitoring blood sugar levels, and assessing associated cardiovascular risk factors. To effectively manage diabetes, there is a need of monitoring blood glucose levels regularly. Clinical laboratories are very essential as they can help in monitoring glycemic control, kidney function, lipid levels, and other biomarkers. For preventing complications, such as diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy, clinical laboratories perform screening tests. These screening tests allow for timely intervention that can assist in preventing progression of diabetes. People are preferring point-of-care testing (POCT) as it allows rapid testing and immediate results. This testing is more successful for monitoring patients with diabetes. As per the data published on the website of IDF Diabetes Atlas, it is projected that around 783 million people will be suffering from diabetes by 2045.
Growing demand for precision medicine
The IMARC Group's report shows that the global precision medicine market reached US$ 75.2 Billion in 2023. Genetic testing, genomic sequencing, and molecular diagnostics are important for precision medicines to identify biomarkers, genetic variations, and specific molecular targets. These tests are performed in clinical laboratories, as they help in predicting disease risks, selecting most effective therapies as individual's genetic characteristics, and guiding treatment decisions. To develop and perform companion diagnostics, clinical laboratories are very crucial, which is strengthening the clinical laboratory services market growth. Companion diagnostics are tests used to identify biomarkers to calculate the success rate of any specific targeted therapy. After knowing this, treatment choices in oncology, infectious diseases, and other therapeutic areas can be optimized. It is very important to analyze genetic variations to monitor the respond of medications in individuals, and pharmacogenomic plays an important role in this analysis. Clinical laboratories provide pharmacogenomic testing to predict drug efficacy, dosage requirements, and potential adverse reactions.
Increasing trend of telehealth
People are preferring telehealth nowadays, as it can help connect with doctors even if they are at remote locations. They can also access clinical laboratory services through telehealth platforms, reducing barriers to healthcare and increasing overall testing volumes. It becomes easy to monitor chronic conditions like diabetes remotely through telehealth. Clinical laboratories are very important for the ongoing management of this diseases and improving patient outcomes. Key players operating in the telehealth market are focusing on collaborations and partnerships to expand their customer base. For instance, in 2023, Oracle and Zoom Video Communications, Inc. expanded their collaboration to deliver faster, easier, and more effective telehealth services. Home-based kits are distributed by clinical laboratories and then they process the samples collected at home to provide accurate diagnostic results remotely through telehealth platforms, thereby offering a favorable clinical laboratory services market outlook.
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on test type, service provider, and application.
Human and Tumor Genetics
Clinical Chemistry
Medical Microbiology and Cytology
Clinical chemistry accounts for the majority of the market share
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the test type. This includes human and tumor genetics, clinical chemistry, medical microbiology and cytology, and others. According to the report, clinical chemistry represents the largest segment.
Clinical chemistry can be defined as a broad range of tests that assess the biochemical components of blood, urine, and other bodily fluids. To diagnose and track a variety of medical disorders, these tests are important as they can provide vital information on hormone levels, organ function, electrolyte balance, and metabolic processes. Regular health screenings and follow-up care for patients with chronic diseases also include a large number of clinical chemistry tests. To evaluate general health status and identify problems, tests such as complete metabolic panels (CMP) and basic metabolic panels (BMP) are frequently ordered.
Hospital-Based Laboratories
Stand-Alone Laboratories
Clinic-Based Laboratories
Hospital-based laboratories hold the largest share of the industry
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the service provider have also been provided in the report. This includes hospital-based laboratories, stand-alone laboratories, and clinic-based laboratories. According to the report, hospital-based laboratories account for the largest market share.
Hospital-based laboratories are essential components of healthcare facilities because they are closely linked to the whole range of patient services. Within the hospital setting, they provide diagnostic services for surgical units, outpatient clinics, inpatients, and patients in the emergency room. A wide variety of diagnostic tests are usually available at hospital laboratories to support different patient demographics and medical specialties. Clinical chemistry, hematology, immunology, microbiology, molecular diagnostics, and pathology services are all included in this. They offer a one-stop shop for a variety of diagnostic testing requirements.
Bioanalytical and Lab Chemistry Services
Toxicology Testing Services
Cell and Gene Therapy Related Services
Preclinical and Clinical Trial Related Services
Drug Discovery and Development Related Services
Bioanalytical and lab chemistry services represent the leading market segment
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the application. This includes bioanalytical and lab chemistry services, toxicology testing services, cell and gene therapy related services, preclinical and clinical trial related services, drug discovery and development related services, and others. According to the report, bioanalytical and lab chemistry services represent the largest segment.
Clinical diagnostics and biomedical research depend heavily on a wide range of tests and analyses that are provided by bioanalytical and lab chemistry services. Assays for biomarkers, drug concentrations, metabolites, and other biochemical components in biological samples are among the services provided by these labs. Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) investigations are two important steps in the drug development process that bioanalytical services provide for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Clinical laboratories offer bioanalytical services for measuring drug concentrations in biological matrices, evaluating medication safety and efficacy in clinical trials, and assessing drug metabolism.
North America
United States
South Korea
United Kingdom
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
North America leads the market, accounting for the largest clinical laboratory services market share
The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, North America represents the largest regional market for clinical laboratory services.
North America has highly developed healthcare systems with cutting-edge infrastructure and widespread access to healthcare services, especially in the United States and Canada. This includes a reputable network of clinics, hospitals, and diagnostic labs that provide a wide range of clinical laboratory services. When it comes to healthcare spending worldwide, the US regularly comes in top. The rapid rise of clinical laboratory services can be attributed to the significant investments made in healthcare infrastructure, technology, and services. The market-driving initiatives of illness monitoring, tailored medication, and diagnostic testing are bolstered by healthcare spending. Key players operating in US also focusing on providing tests that support novel technology. For instance, in 2023, Dutch biotech firm Detact Diagnostics' announced about its plans to begin bacterial detection sampling at its laboratory in the Keene State College situated in the US.
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the major market players in the clinical laboratory services industry include Abbott Laboratories, Becton, Dickinson and Company, bioMerieux SA, Charles River Laboratories, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Illumina Inc., NeoGenomics Laboratories Inc., Quest Diagnostics Incorporated, Siemens Healthcare GmbH (Siemens AG), and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)
Leading clinical laboratory services companies are aggressively pursuing a range of tactics to fortify their positions in the market and satisfy the expanding need for diagnostic tests. Businesses are reaching more patients worldwide and providing a wider choice of tests by partnering with other companies and increasing their service portfolios through acquisitions. For instance, in 2023, Labcorp, a global leader of innovative and comprehensive laboratory services, announced an agreement with Tufts Medicine, a leading integrated academic health system in Massachusetts, to acquire the Tufts Medicine outreach laboratory business and select operating assets as a first step towards a larger strategic partnership. Major firms are also making significant investments in cutting-edge technologies including automation, digital pathology, and next-generation sequencing to increase the precision, effectiveness, and turnaround times of their services. By creating and utilizing specific tests for genetic and molecular diagnostics, they are also concentrating on customized medicine, which supports precision medicine and focused therapeutics.
In 2023: DiaCarta Ltd. announced that the company has formed strategic partnership with New Jersey-based Hopkins MedTech Compliance (HMC) and Hopkins MedTech Lab Services (HML) to support the unmet needs for regulatory compliance and laboratory developed test (LDT) validation of in vitro diagnostics (IVD) in the United States.
In 2023: Aegis Sciences Corporation acquired HealthTrackRx's Toxicology business unit to enhance its toxicology portfolio.