世界の携帯電話予測の更新、2024-2028年:2024年第3四半期Worldwide Mobile Phone Forecast Update, 2024-2028: CY 3Q24 |
世界の携帯電話予測の更新、2024-2028年:2024年第3四半期 |
出版日: 2024年09月13日
発行: IDC
ページ情報: 英文 25 Pages
納期: 即納可能
This IDC study presents the updated five-year forecast of the worldwide mobile phone market for 2024-2028."Following two years of decline, the worldwide mobile phone market is ready to rebound in 2024," said Ramon T. Llamas, research director with IDC's Mobile Phones team. "Ongoing challenges in the worldwide economy dampened demand in 2022 and 2023, but recovery is slowly making its way. Joining it is pent-up demand among those ready to upgrade from their current devices. The end result: an increase in 2024 and slow growth in the years that follow."