

Polymers and Advanced Materials Competitive & Market Intelligence Subscription

出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス | 発行: Global Market Insights Inc. | ページ情報: 英文

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出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス
発行: Global Market Insights Inc.
ページ情報: 英文
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当社のGMI Pulseのプラットフォームを活用することにより、Global Market Insights Inc.が提供する細密な戦略的価値を入手いただけます。Global Market Insights Inc.の購読サービスは、必要に応じてカスタマイズ可能です。これには以下が含まれます。

  • 信頼できる市場データへの容易なアクセス
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Global Market Insightsは、以下の産業分野を通じて、市場開拓、産業力学の変化、経済の地理的変化、今後の動向などを追跡しています。


  • 高分子
    • 熱可塑性樹脂
    • 熱硬化性
    • 熱可塑性エラストマー
    • バイオプラスチック
  • ガラス・セラミックス
  • 金属
  • 鉱石
  • コーティング剤
  • マテリアルリサイクル
  • 繊維







Global Market Insights(GMI)は、高分子・先端材料市場で事業を展開する主要企業が取り組んでいる主要な技術革新と戦略に焦点を当てています。また、電気機器市場の力学に関連する現在の動向と促進要因に関する洞察も提供しており、さらに以下の材料産業にわたる詳細な調査も行っています。


数十年にわたり、高分子は製造業の世界で大きな進歩を遂げ、他の材料に取って代わる一方で、製品の機能性と寿命を向上させ、軽量化目標に貢献しています。高分子は、ナノ粒子技術、射出成形、押出成形、結晶化、高分子マトリックスなど、さまざまな技術で加工されています。高分子産業における材料と加工の革新は、循環型経済、小型化、軽量化、二酸化炭素排出量削減、デジタル化などのメガトレンドによって形作られてきました。世界企業は、アプリケーション産業の効率性要件に合致するよう製品を調整しながら、環境目標の達成に努めています。Global Market Insights(GMI)は、高分子市場領域で事業を展開する主要企業が取り組んでいる主要な革新と戦略に焦点を当てています。また、高分子およびプラスチック市場の力学に関連する現在の動向と促進要因に関する洞察も提供しており、さらに以下の高分子サブセットに関する詳細な調査も行っています。

  • 熱可塑性プラスチック: 高強度、低加工コスト、幅広い用途がこの分野の特徴です。石油を主原料とする熱可塑性プラスチックは、リサイクル性に優れているため、二酸化炭素排出量の削減を目指す企業にとって最適な素材です。エンジニアリング熱可塑性プラスチックは主に自動車、包装、ヘルスケア市場で使用されており、正確な形状を実現し、強度、保護、耐久性を付与できる材料が求められています。Global Market Insightsは、様々な熱可塑性プラスチックメーカーやコンパウンダーの戦略や市場力学を追跡しています。また、GMIは業界の完全な評価とともに、競合ベンチマーキングも提供しています。
  • 熱硬化性:熱硬化性は、構造的完全性、耐薬品性、耐熱性、電気抵抗、不溶性などの優れた特性により、建設産業で広く採用されています。接着剤、シーリング材、床材、屋根材、配管材などが主な用途です。主な加工技術としては、押出成形、反応射出成形、圧縮成形があります。COVID-19の流行別一時的な小康状態を経て、インフラと建設が世界的に成長したことは、市場にとって好材料として作用しています。しかし、熱硬化性樹脂は伝統的にリサイクル可能ではなく、熱硬化性樹脂を部分的にリサイクルするための取り組みが行われています。Global Market Insightsは、エポキシ、シリコーン、ポリウレタンなどの熱硬化性高分子を、主要な最終使用市場の研究とともに幅広くカバーしています。GMIの調査は、業界全体の技術的進歩や政府規制を網羅しています。
  • 熱可塑性エラストマー(TPE): TPE加工技術の進歩と汎用性・安全性の高さが、業界全体におけるTPEの使用を促進しています。石油の価格が非常に不安定であることに加え、世界の持続可能性への強い取り組み別、企業は合成品に匹敵する信頼性や機能性を損なうことなく、バイオベースのTPEに投資する必要に迫られています。TPEエコシステムは、主にスチレンブロックコ高分子(SBC)、熱可塑性ポリウレタン(TPU)、熱可塑性加硫材(TPV)、熱可塑性ポリオレフィン(TPO)、コポリエステルエーテルエラストマー(COPE)、ポリエーテルブロックアミドエラストマー(PEBA)から成っています。Global Market Insightsは、業界全体で利用可能な様々な製品に関する詳細な分析を提供します。GMIはまた、業界の技術的進歩とともに、詳細な競合情勢も提供しています。
  • バイオプラスチック:二酸化炭素排出量の削減と環境に優しい製品の生産に関する世界のコンセンサスにより、産業界におけるバイオプラスチックの採用に大きな弾みがついています。世界の高分子需要に占める割合はまだわずかですが、この分野は成長と新しいアプリケーションの採用という点で、従来のプラスチックを上回ると予想されます。現在、バイオプラスチック市場では、PLAやPHAなどのバイオベース・生分解性プラスチックが大きなシェアを占めています。バイオPETやバイオPEなどのバイオベースの非生分解性プラスチックは、炭素排出量が少なく、最終製品が環境に優しいことから、徐々に需要が高まっています。メーカーは、バイオベースのプラスチック別望ましい特性を実現するために、その地位を強化し、技術に投資してきました。GMIは、バイオ高分子分野に関心を持ち、バイオベースプラスチックや生分解性プラスチックに関する詳細な分析を提供しています。




世界の都市化と急速な都市開発(特にアジア)は、世界の金属産業に影響を与える主要なメガトレンドです。都市化により、自動車、航空機、電力、電子機器、家電製品などの需要が大幅に増加し、鉄鋼、銅、アルミニウム、ニッケル、チタンの消費量が増加しています。近年、金属の伝統的な用途は部分的にプラスチックに取って代わられていますが、来るべき電気自動車革命は金属産業に刺激を与えると予想されます。さらに、発展途上国がより良い電力インフラを受け入れるにつれて、金属の需要が増加する可能性があります。Global Market Insightsは、世界中の技術的進歩、サブグレード分析、政府規制とともに、鉄鋼、マグネシウム、亜鉛、銅、アルミニウムを含む金属の幅広いスペクトルをカバーしています。


技術革新と規制・環境基準の強化により、市場参加者は業務の近代化を進め、準拠する基準がより簡単な経済圏での探査を推し進めざるを得ません。消費パターンは、低炭素経済というメガトレンドを反映したものになると思われます。スマートマイニング技術やリスクの高い採掘プロジェクトは、市場において重要性を増すと思われます。また、環境規制の強化により、採掘方法に対する監視の目が厳しくなり、採掘会社にコスト面でのプレッシャーがかかると予想されます。GMIは、鉱業および鉱物鉱石業界を専門とし、鉱物鉱石採掘業界における供給側および需要側の力学に関する詳細な分析を提供しています。Global Market Insightsは、石炭、鉄鉱石、レアアース、貴金属鉱石に関する調査能力を有しています。












世界の産業機器業界は、エネルギー効率の向上やより精密な技術への要求から、大きな技術的進歩を遂げています。技術革新のスピードは、産業界全体の生産サイクルを圧迫し、年々短くなっています。建設資材、プラスチック、金属、消費財、電子機器、通信などの主要な工業製品の安定した成長、および改良された高度な機械設備は、メーカーの競争力となっています。製造業におけるIoTは、産業機器、サービス・メンテナンス市場の次の大きなディスラプターとなる可能性が高いです。Global Market Insightsは、搬送装置、採掘装置、プラスチック加工装置、破砕装置など、業界の様々な側面をカバーしています。GMIは、市場のイノベーションランドスケープに携わるすべての企業を包括的にカバーしています。


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Polymers and Advanced Materials

The global polymer & advanced materials industry including materials, parts, components, equipment, systems & services has been witnessing radical changes with large-scale investments in sustainability, recycling, bio-based, and circular economy to reduce the carbon footprint.

Global Market Insights tracks market developments, changes in the industry dynamics, a geographical shift in the economy, and upcoming trends through the following industry segments:


  • Polymers
    • Thermoplastics
    • Thermosets
    • Thermoplastic elastomers
    • Bioplastics
  • Glass & ceramics
  • Metals
  • Mineral ores
  • Coatings
  • Material recycling
  • Textiles

Parts & components

Packaging & printing

Industrial equipment, service & maintenance


The growing need for decarbonization, a circular economy, recycling of material wastes, bio-based feedstocks, sustainability, and ESG are a few factors that play a critical role in how the material industry functions globally. The industry has been typically driven by crude oil-derived feedstock for decades. Rising environmental concerns, sudden climate changes, and growing industrial wastes & oceanic pollutants harming the ecosystem, have contributed to a paradigm shift in material research and industrial manufacturing trends.

Global Market Insights (GMI) focuses on the key innovations & strategies undertaken by the major players operating in the polymers & advanced materials market. The company also offers insights into the current trends and drivers associated with the electrical equipment market dynamics, further providing an in-depth study across the following material industry.

Polymers: Over the decades, polymers have made massive strides in the manufacturing world, replacing other materials while improving product functionality & longevity and aiding weight reduction targets. Polymers are processed using various techniques including nanoparticle technology, injection molding, extrusion, crystallization, and polymer matrix. Material and processing innovations in the polymer industry have been shaped by some of the megatrends, which include a circular economy. miniaturization, weight reduction, carbon emission reduction, and digitization. Global companies are striving to achieve environmental goals while aligning their products to match efficiency requirements of the application industries.

Global Market Insights (GMI) focuses on the key innovations & strategies undertaken by major players operating in the polymers market space. The company also offers insights into the current trends and drivers associated with the polymers & plastics market dynamics, further providing an in-depth study across the following polymer sub-sets:
  • Thermoplastics: High strength, low processing cost, and wide applicability are the key strengths that define this segment. Even though the primary feedstock remains to be petroleum-based, the high recyclability of thermoplastics renders it a good fit for companies targeting to achieve lower carbon emissions. Engineering thermoplastics are majorly used in the automotive, packaging, and healthcare markets that demand materials that can achieve a precise shape and impart strength, protection & durability. Global Market Insights tracks the strategies and market dynamics of various thermoplastics manufacturers and compounders. GMI also offers a competitive benchmarking along with a complete assessment of the industry.
  • Thermosets: Thermosetting plastics are widely employed in the construction industry for excellent properties such as structural integrity, chemical resistance, heat resistance, electrical resistance, and insolubility. Adhesives, sealants, flooring, roofing, and piping are some of the major uses of thermosetting polymers. Extrusion molding, reactive injection molding, and compression molding are the key processing technologies. Global growth in infrastructure and construction after a brief lull during the COVID-19 pandemic has acted as a boon for the market. However, thermosets are not traditionally recyclable and efforts are being made to partially recycle thermosets. Global Market Insights covers a wide spectrum of thermosetting polymers such as epoxy, silicone, and polyurethane along with their major end-use markets studies. GMI studies encompass technological advancements and government regulations across the industry.
  • Thermoplastic elastomers (TPE): Advancements in TPE processing technologies coupled with versatility & safe properties drive the usage of TPEs across industries. Highly unpredictable petroleum prices along with strong sustainability initiatives globally have compelled companies to invest in bio-based TPE without compromising the reliability or functionality of its synthetic counterparts. The TPE ecosystem mainly comprises Styrenic Block Copolymers (SBC), thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), thermoplastic vulcanizates (TPV), thermoplastic polyolefins (TPO), copolyester ether elastomers (COPE), and Polyether block amide elastomer (PEBA). Global Market Insights provides an in-depth analysis of the various products available across the industry. GMI also provides an in-depth competitive landscape along with technological advancements in the industry.
  • Bioplastics: Global consensus on reducing carbon emissions and producing environmental-friendly products has given a huge impetus to the adoption of bioplastics across industries. Although still a minuscule portion of the global polymer demand, this section is anticipated to outperform traditional plastics in terms of growth and new application adoption. Currently, bio-based and biodegradable plastics, such as PLA and PHA, account for the lion's share of the bioplastics market. Bio-based non-biodegradable plastics such as bio-based PET or bio-based PE are gradually growing in demand due to low carbon emissions, rendering the final product environmental-friendly. Manufacturers have been strengthening their positions and investing in technologies to achieve the desired properties through bio-based plastics. GMI has been investigating the biopolymer space with interest, providing in-depth analysis of bio-based plastics as well as biodegradable plastics.

Glass & Ceramics: Ceramics and glass are used in a wide range of industries to support construction, manufacturing & packaging. Hardness, corrosion resistance, high-temperature resistance, and insulation properties make them ideal materials to be used in industrial manufacturing. Ceramics are widely used in filtration & separation media, as abrasives and cutting tools, and as bearings, valves & nozzles in equipment. The packaging and construction industries have witnessed a steep demand growth in the recent past, leading to higher consumption of glass products. The COVID-19-induced demand for vaccines has created an enormous opportunity for glass packaging. GMI offers an intensive study at sub-segment levels, providing insights into the technology, applications, grades, and production technologies associated with the glass & ceramics industry.

Metals: Urbanization and rapid city development globally, particularly in Asia, are the major megatrends that impact the global metal industry. Owing to urbanization, the demand for automobiles, aircraft, power, electronic gadgets, household appliances, etc., has increased manifold, leading to higher consumption of steel, copper, aluminum, nickel & titanium. Although traditional applications of metals are partially replaced by plastics in the recent past, the upcoming EV revolution is expected to provide impetus to the metal industry. Moreover, as developing nations embrace better electricity infrastructure, the demand for metals is likely to rise. Global Market Insights covers a wide spectrum of metals including steel, magnesium, zinc, copper, and aluminum along with technological advancements, sub-grade analysis & government regulations across the world.

Mineral ores: Technological innovations and strengthening regulatory & environmental standards are compelling market players to modernize operations and push exploration to economies with easier standards to comply with. Consumption patterns are likely to reflect the overall megatrend of a low-carbon economy. Smart mining technologies as well as risky mining projects are likely to gain importance in the market. Tightening environmental regulations are also expected to increase the scrutiny of mining practices, imparting cost pressure on mining companies. GMI specializes in the mining & mineral ore industry and provides in-depth analysis of the supply-side & demand-side dynamics in the mineral ore mining industry. Global Market Insights has developed research capabilities in coal, iron ore, rare earth metals, and precious metal ores.

Coatings: The coatings industry has been disrupted by multiple global megatrends. The coatings industry is highly focused on innovations and sustainability to market its products across various industries. Disruptions in the supply chain due to COVID-19, variances in the input material cost, new applications such as EVs & drones, and the demand for antiviral coatings have shaped the market in the past two years. As the industry focuses on reducing carbon emissions through natural-based feedstock, urbanization and demographic shifts, particularly in Asia Pacific, present a unique opportunity for the coatings industry amidst the stagnating growth in developed countries. Global Market Insights studies the key competitors operating across the coatings industry and provides detailed company profiles focusing on the product assortment, strategic initiatives & SWOT analysis of the players in the industry.

Material recycling: Recycling or recyclability is the backbone of all sustainability measures undertaken by companies and governments alike. Material recycling encompasses myriad materials starting from yarns to aircraft components and everything in between. Some of the major industries, which have adopted recycling and a circular economy are polymers & plastics, paper products, metals, and construction & demolition waste. Recycled products considerably reduce the impacts of carbon generated in the environment and produce greener products. Governments and NGOs across the world have undertaken measures to increase the scale of material recycling to achieve the regional & country carbon-reduction targets. GMI has tracked the global recycling industry in detail and provides the most updated information pertaining to the market including technological advancements, regulatory requirements & market opportunities. GMI reports delves into the strategic imperatives of different players in the industry.

Textiles: The textile industry is highly competitive and is subject to several internal & external pressures. The per capita consumption of textiles has grown globally; however, there is a noticeable shift in consumption trends and fiber trends. Polyester, notably bio-polyester, has grown in demand over the past few years. As a result of changing consumer preferences, the shift in manufacturing and technology is expected to be the next megatrends that disrupt the highly competitive industry. The implementation of Industry 4.0 will be key to addressing the manufacturing and supply-chain issues. GMI offers an intensive study for all textile types and provides insights into the fibers, applications & production technologies associated with the textile industry.

Parts & components: Parts & components refer to the building blocks of automobiles, railways, and aircraft. The parts & components industry is defined by the megatrends impacting the final use industry as well as material megatrends impacting the ancillary market. The automotive sector is witnessing an EV revolution, which is likely to impact the parts & components market for <>OEMs as well as aftermarkets. Although the majority of parts & components will remain intact, components pertaining to the engine and powertrain will be replaced or modified in EVs, resulting in huge market opportunities. Similarly, lightweighting and miniaturization are the major megatrends driving innovations and changing the design language across the transportation industry. GMI has a vast repository of in-depth reports covering parts & components within the automotive, aerospace, and railway industries. Comprehensive analysis and coverage of the competitive landscape are parts of every report covering parts & components.

Packaging & printing: Rapidly changing customer preferences along with growing e-commerce have revolutionized the packaging and printing industries. Retail packaging has witnessed the maximum disruptions as more and more CPGs fight for shelf space. Plastic packaging has witnessed considerable growth over the years and is expected to continue the trend with further innovations in the pipeline. Healthcare packaging has also witnessed a shift toward plastic packaging. Digitalization or IoT of packaging is expected to further transform the market and help companies reach consumers efficiently. The packaging and printing industries are striving to reduce carbon footprints and be environmentally conscious as they impact their brand perception positively. GMI focuses on the key innovations & strategies undertaken by the major players operating in the printing & packaging market. The company also offers insights into the current trends and drivers associated with the packaging & printing market, further providing an in-depth study across the industry.

Industrial equipment, service & maintenance: The global industrial equipment industry is undergoing major technological advancements on account of the rising energy-efficiency requirements as well as the requirement for more precision technology. The speed of innovation has put pressure on production cycles across industries, which got shorter over the years. The steady growth of major industrial products, including construction materials, plastics, metals, consumer goods, electronics, and telecommunication, and improved & advanced machinery and equipment are the competitive advantages of manufacturers. IoT in manufacturing is likely to be the next big disruptor in the industrial equipment, service & maintenance market. Global Market Insights covers various aspects of the industry including conveying equipment, mining equipment, plastic processing equipment, and shredding equipment. GMI comprehensively covers all companies engaged in the innovation landscape of the market.